Monday, April 16, 2012

Budget Cutting

In this political cartoon, budget cutting is being symbolized. There are two doctors, one is represented by a democratic sign and the other by a republican sign. The democratic doctor has a little cutting knife while the republican one has a much bigger weapon to cut with. This cartoon is trying to say that Between the two parties the republicans are trying to cut back more on anything they can. That is why the republican doctor has a bigger cutting tool. 

Area of Agreement

This political cartoon is about political ideologies. More specifically, Republican and Democrat. There are two cliffs (labeled left and right). On the left side there is President Obama (who is democratic) and on the right is an elephant that represents the republicans. They are both saying "You first" to the other to cross the bridge that is broken and under is an area of agreement. This cartoon is trying to point out that republicans and democrats can never get to an area of agreement. And in this cartoon that is represented by the bridge being broken in the middle.  

Monday, April 9, 2012

The GOP Final Four

This political cartoon represents the final four candidates in the race to be the presidential candidate for the republicans. This cartoon has irony in it because it's suppose to resemble the March Madness that goes on in college around this time. The final four in that would be the last four teams in the tournament, but this shows the last four candidates that are running. Also, Romney is bigger then anyone else in this picture. That shows that he is the best "team" in the race. The other three candidates don't stand much of a chance, according to this cartoon. 

The Flip Flops

This cartoon shows Romney ready to run a race in flip flops. This cartoon represents something higher though. The race that Romney is ready to race in this cartoon actually represents the race he is currently in to be the republican presidential candidate. The reason the artist put flip flops on Romney is because Romney often "flip-flops" his opinions and ideas on certain issues.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Voter ID Law

According to the opinion exppressed by this cartoon, the Voter ID Law is there for nothing. It is said to be able to stop voter fraud but many people claim that there is no voter fraud. Many people also think that voter fraud is too low to invest a lot of money to fix it. Basically, these same people believe that it is a useless law that is trying to fix something that is not broken. Since opinions are neither right or wrong, there is another side to the story. Many people believe it is a good thing and will help alot. But eitherway, it had created a big controversy as many states continue to pass the law. 

2012 Election: A Take on New Jobs

A couple of years ago when the US was in the worst part of the Recession, everyone was worried about the economy and jobs. Everyone thought that the next election would focus on just that. They thought it would focus on who can pull us up out of this whole and get people working again to stabilize the economy. As that may be important today, it seems like this election has an odd selection of candidates. What seems to be important to them is attacking eachother and just looking better then their rival. They dont seem to be adressing important issues to the extent they should be. They are focused around mudslinging. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Voting Around The World

Voting is done almost everywhere around the world but it is much more popular in other parts of the world then in the USA. In many places in Europe, it is actually mandatory to vote and the cost of not voting is usually a fine. Besides it being mandatory in areas, overall voting is much more popular and people tend to be more active when it comes to voting because they want to (not just because they have to). With establishing in the constitution that voting is optional, the USA has had a negative slope in voter turnout in comparison to ther parts of the world. This cartoon depicts that countries like China and Russia are campaigning to vote and take it very seriously while the US citizens are not as concerned when it comes to voting for their leaders. This is shown by the person sleeping when their TV is indicating that it is time to vote.