Sunday, March 25, 2012

Electronic/Touch Screen Voting

With the 200+ years of voting that this country has seen, specifically presidential candidate voting, there has been a number of different ways to vote on the election days. The range from paper ballots and hole-punching methods to heavy machinery with levers to pull on to what is most popular and most used today -- electronic voting. As this type of voting became more popular with the increase in technology it seemed that it is the quickest and easiest way to vote, That may be true, but along with the other ways to vote, this wa has its problems too. Since all the votes are tallied up by computers there has been a worry about hackers and computer glitches. Many people think that the computer system fails correctly count every single vote. On top of that, people believe that hackers can go/have gone into the system to change the vote counts for the candidate that they want to win. This political cartoon, sarcastically, is showing ones options when it comes to voting. The options "lose my vote now," "lose my vote later," and "let a hacker change my vote at his convinience" all show the growing concerns that voters have with this system of voting.

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