Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to Increase Voter Turnout

In this political cartoon the topic is voter turnout. This cartoon shows a lady at some sort of voting booth with a ballot that says President, Congress, and American Idol and the lady is voting under the American Idol section. This cartoon is indictating if American Idol was on the ballot people would come to vote. This cartoon is also trying to say that many more Americans vote on other things like American Idol but they do not take the time to concern themselves with politics, thus why the voter turn out is usually low.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, for American Idol there are actual choices and the baby boomers don't decide everything. Also you don't have to risk getting fired or getting your hours docked for going to some government building in the middle of the day on a f-ing Tuesday. Obama did nothing to fix things (except may me buy a useless product from a massive private company or pay a criminal penalty) and in 2016 all we had was the choice between a hyper-conservative orange colored prosecuted sex-offender, or an establishment Republican who would say anything to get elected.
